Zen Chic Pillow

Zen Chic Pillow

Have you guys ever watched Man Sewing with Rob Appell?  If you haven’t, check him out sometime.  He does sewing tutorials on You Tube and he’s funny and inspiring and makes everything look easy!  He did an interesting podcast with Abby Glassenberg (another person you should check out – sign up for her great newsletter). This pillow is a tutorial he did called Dresdan Template Pillow. It’s a quick and easy project.

zen chic pillow in window

Because I am the biggest Zen Chic fan, I think I was drawn to this project because Rob used fabrics from the Reel Time collection.  I love Brigette Heitland’s designs and her fabrics seem to creep into almost every one of my quilts somehow.

sewing zen chic pillowzen chic pillow horizontal

This was a fun little project that you can whip up in an evening – just wanted to share it with you.

I hope you’re making something!

Have a great weekend,

Linking up to Crazy Mom Quilts and Forth Worth Fabric Frenzy Friday

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